Friday, 20 January 2012

Tony Stark: The Iron Man, The Myth, The Legend.

Iron Man is the most amazing film ever. Period.

Why?  Because every single man on this planet would love to be Tony Stark.  If they don’t, they’re mentally challenged.  Slurs aside, it’s all theoretical, because every man on this planet WOULD want to be Tony Stark.   This is a story about a man who has everything and wants more…

Our story begins with Stark travelling with a military entourage, having successfully pitched his new super-duper explosive weaponry (the Jericho missile) to the US military in Afghanistan.  You could say, it was a blast?

This is about as good as it gets for Stark and celebrations are all go, joking with the soldiers, posing for photographs and getting attacked by the locals…  Wait, what?

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Modern Art? More please!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am far from artistic. I tried my hand a few times on DeviantArt, but they were piss-poor. I have never been very good at viewing the prettier side of life and so, much artwork is wasted on me.

I once visited the Modern Art museum in London with my girlfriend, only to view much of it as a joke. For instance, one "exhibit" was just a television, playing a looping clip of some french guy, dressed as a jester, jumping around and stomping his feet, having a tantrum. Maybe if I was stoned, that may have made sense, but I wasn't... So it didn't.

Recently, however, I have been coming across modern artwork on the internet that has not ony impressed me, but interested me also! The two main types I shall point out today, for anyone who hasn't witnessed them yet, are Smoke Art and Reverse Graffiti.

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Well, I guess I'll give this another shot...

Not much has changed over the past few months. Powergen/E.ON still haven't billed me correctly, so I'm waiting on a bill to arrive in September for both gas and electricity, which will amass to a whole years worth of dual-fuel. That's something I'm pretty anxious about, as I'll still have to pay the council tax, water bill, TV license, rent, car payment and insurance all on time. I'm really angry at Powergen and I really would like to take it further and be compensated for the hassle they've caused me, but I just want the whole ordeal to be over and done with. I dread getting letters from them, because I know it will be MORE trouble that I really can't cope with right now. Overall, I have spent over 16 hours on my mobile to them which comes to a figure of around £250 of phone bills. All they have to do is listen to me tell them two figures and not screw up when writing them down. So far... EPIC FAIL. I have even got them to read the figures back to me a few minutes after dictating them and they were correct. How to they manage to fail between hanging up and billing me?

Anyway, enough of those bastards. Never let the bastards grind you down. I'm trying at least. Frankly though, I'm majorly unhappy, depressed I think, but not confirmed by a doctor. Just another thing I can't bring myself to face. Procrastination is my fault right now.

I know that I need to make some major changes and soon. Detailed as follows:

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Excuse me if I whinge for a bit...

Welcome all, to my new blog.

I have been trying to create a new website to air my views, feelings and general well-being however, amongst illness, feeling generally anxious and being "busy as shit,"I have had rare opportunity to do so. Hence the reason I am here and now. (Here being Dunstable, Now being 5:45am).

The reason for my being up so late (or early, if you count 45 minutes of sleep as a night) is due to more unnecessary strains and stresses on my already stretched tolerance for such things. I shall try not to go into much detail over the next few paragraphs, however I have come to know myself recently and I therefore know I shall fail miserably.

Just a few hours ago, I learnt from my mother that both of my sisters have been arrested for an alleged assault. I know this to be absolute bullshit, because I was babysitting for one of them when they came home and told me all about it.