Welcome all, to my new blog.
I have been trying to create a new website to air my views, feelings and general well-being however, amongst illness, feeling generally anxious and being "busy as shit,"I have had rare opportunity to do so. Hence the reason I am here and now. (Here being Dunstable, Now being 5:45am).
The reason for my being up so late (or early, if you count 45 minutes of sleep as a night) is due to more unnecessary strains and stresses on my already stretched tolerance for such things. I shall try not to go into much detail over the next few paragraphs, however I have come to know myself recently and I therefore know I shall fail miserably.
Just a few hours ago, I learnt from my mother that both of my sisters have been arrested for an alleged assault. I know this to be absolute bullshit, because I was babysitting for one of them when they came home and told me all about it.
The quietest and most timid of my sisters, N, has been getting a lot of grief for about three years since she fell pregnant with my niece. This grief has been originating from a nasty piece of work called Gemma. I do not know this girl, nor did I care to know of her, however what I do know is that she causes a lot of trouble in various establishments in which she has a penchant for "bottle-ing" people.
This night in question, over two weeks ago, involved such an instance. My two sisters were out together with a couple of friends, when this Gemma individual began pushing and pulling my sister N. A (the larger and definitely UNTIMID sister) pushed her away and that seemed to be the end of it. However, later that night when N and A went to the toilets, Gemma followed them in, threw two glass BOTTLES at them (which fortunately missed) and then proceded to repeatedly punch N and pulled some of her hair out. This obviously triggered A's rage who leaped to defend her sister, and began pulling Gemma off of her while punching her. Having realised that she had bitten off more than she could chew, Gemma backed off and began to talk to both of my sisters. At this stage, both parties got thrown out of the club and that was the end of the matter. It was just a scuffle that ended in non-aggressive conversation. If only ALL pub scuffles ended that way...
Anyway, this evening (being only two full days away from Xmas, and over TWO WEEKS since the incident) my mother had the police 'literally' banging on the door and responding to my mother asking worriedly "Who is it?", shouting "It's the police, open the door!" They then proceeded to arrest both sisters not even giving them time to grab anything like a mobile phone, doorkeys etc.
I can only guess as to what Gemma has told the police, but I can almost certainly guarantee it's bullshit, just to cause my sisters some incovenience. If anyone has any cause to go to the police, it would be my two sisters after being attacked and having glass bottles thrown at them. I tried ringing the Police Station and was told "We cannot give you any information for data protection reasons" nor could they give me any idea what was going on. I responded with "Well I guess I am supposed to just sit here and worry then?!" to which the lady responded "Yes, there is nothing I can tell you"... "Well you are fucking useless then!", I responded as I hung up.
As it stands, it is now 6:22am and I or my mother in Hemel have not heard diddly-squat from anyone. N has a 2 year old daughter at home with my mother, and is currently sitting in a Police Station, just days before Xmas because of some spiteful little shit.
I am contemplating making some phone calls to see what can be done about all this. I think I may report that tramp to the police, like my sisters SHOULD have done, had they not thought it would have been a petty issue swept under the carpet. Either way, someone has to teach this piece of scum that it is NOT ok to throw bottles, nor is it reasonable to waste police time (even if they are a bunch of useless twats half the time) just to spite someone.
And yes, you may sense a subtle tinge of bad feelings towards the police in reading this blog, for I also had to deal with them about a month ago...
Driving home from Hemel through the dark B-Roads through Gaddesdon, I nearly had a head on smash with a car which left my wing-mirror decimated and my entire car OFF the road on a grass-verge. Basically, this idiot must have been in a rush, or perhaps drunk, as they barrelled at about 70mph down the middle of the road straight towards me. They eventually got over to their side of the road, only to veer towards me at the last moment. I had to swing my car away from them, where they smashed my wing-mirror (which shows I was less than a foot away from a head-on-collision. My entire car bumped up a grass verge, as I watched the car speed off down the road, and turned off towards Hemel.
I managed to find my wing-mirror in the road, and got lucky, as I found the casing for their wing-mirror entwined with it. Looking at it, I could see that it had come from a SAAB (having their logo embezzled on the inside of it.
Anyway, I ring the police and proceed to inform them of a maniac on the road who nearly killed me. All goes well until I tell them the car didn't stop, in which they inform me that I have to go to my local station. So, off I trot to Dunstable Police station to go over my account of what happened. They set me up with a case number, but then tell me that because they driver was heading towards Hemel, that I have to go the Hemel Hempstead Police station, to report it to them using my case number and that I need to produce my documents. I head off to Hemel, give them my CASE NUMBER, which they then look up on the system, and proceed to take my details. Little do I know, the lady is creating me another case. It is only when a different "more senior" lady come along that she sees my Producer and realises I already have a CASE NUMBER set up (and therefore that the first lady is essentially having me report the same incident twice. At this, she starts talking to me in a raised voice, demanding to know why I am having my details taken again... "YOU CANNOT, I REPEAT, YOU CANNOT REPORT THE SAME ACCIDENT TWICE! THIS HERE *shows me pink slip* IS A PRODUCER, IT MEANS YOU ALREADY HAVE REPORTED THIS ACCIDENT AND YOU WILL HAVE A CASE NUMBER!!"
This rant of hers continues for about 4 minutes, telling me that I am wasting her time etc. I point out that I KNOW I already have a case number, and that I had already given it to the original lady so "can you please drop the attitude?! CHRIST! I am not to know your Police procedures am I??! She asked me questions, and so I answered them!"
After this had been settled, (and she had apologised to me) I then give them the other cars wing-mirror. I am handed it back and told "We will not accept this, it holds no evidential value whatsoever"...
"WTF MITE!?!?"?!?"£!£?"!!!" It is a fucking SILVER, DRIVER SIDE WING-MIRROR, with a SAAB LOGO and PART NUMBER!!! The car was driving through a B-Road linking Dunstable and Hemel at RUSH HOUR suggesting they are returning home from work. If you ring up the SAAB dealerships in the surrounding area (there are only three!) then you can ask them what model this part belongs to, and then ask them if they have had any silver versions of that model come in for a driver-side wing-mirror repair."
To which I was told in quite simple terms "Fuck you, that seems like way too much hard work to find someone who nearly could have killed you"
Seriously... Whatever happened to INVESTIGATING and JUSTICE?
Another thing that is pissing me off, is that energy company known as Powergen/Eon being absolutely fucktards and continually cocking up my billing by charging me using my neighbours meter. This takes 12 phone calls to themselves and their varying debt collection services which continually tell me that the problem and faux-charge-that-I-haven't-actually-run-up-yet have been resolved, only to follow up with another "chaser" letter a week later (and another 12 phone calls etc...) I do not believe anyone can do anything correctly these days.
Finally, I had my annual performance review at work, which despite being good, was still a slap in the face. I was given a good rating (and therefore a good bonus) which I was happy with. I was told that my manager had wanted to put me higher (with even more bonus), but "they" (whoever "they" might be) would not let them do so, as they could not justify me jumping up through so many levels.
I thought that was a bit poppy-cock at the time, as I thought your review should fairly represent the amount and quality of work you had put in and didn't have to be "worked towards" to get the higher levels.
Anyway, slap in the face... Yes. I later find out that another worker, who has been there for less time, knows a third less than I do (with the third in question being very difficult to learn, which opens up a whole new level of initiative and knowledge) and who often uses me as their "referral point", got exactly the same performance review as I.
Don't get me wrong, they're a great worker, but it just stinks of double standards. They can't justify me getting the review my effort and knowledge deserves because it's too much of a jump, however someone can jump straight in at my level knowing less and having less experience. Putting it simply... If this person learns EXACTLY the same as I know now, next year they can move up to the next levels that I haven't been able to do this year. Which means that for me to move up next year, I have to make changes to the procedures to make them more effective (wait, I've already done that as winning two awards show) or basically something "above and beyond the call of duty" (wait, I generally do that too)...
So, that's how I'm feeling in a rather large nutshell. Feel free to comment, or not.
ChaPPers out.
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